Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Bear with me (December 3, 2001)

I hate stupid people. I really do. I just got into a screaming match with this idiot at the Bondi Post Office.

I was sending a package back home which has proved to be a very simple process up until now. First the asshole tells me that the package will probably be extremely delayed because of the "new terrorist threats in America." Having not watched the news this morning, this immediately sent my heart racing. I say "Ok, I understand, how long do you think it will take then?" "No idea miss," he snaps back. So I fill out the customs forms and then give him my credit card to pay. Every single time I have been in Australia I seem to utterly confuse every shopkeeper with the fact that I do not sign my credit card. Mom told me awhile back that I should write "See ID" in case the card gets stolen, so they can match my signature on my driver's liscense with my picture and the signature on my receipt. In the States everyone seems to understand
this but here they just stare at me like I'm smoking crack. Mind you, I haven't had a new picture taken since I first got my liscense at 16 years old, but the DMV hasn't asked me to come in and since I seem to always have better things to do then stand in line for 6 hours in order to take another crappy picture, I have my same eight year old picture, 4 inch bangs and all.

OK so this postman then tells me that it is illegal to not sign your credit card in Australia. Um, what? This is the first time that I have been told this in 3 visits and a total of almost a year combined living in this country. I said "Sorry (fucker), I'm not signing the card." He then says "Well if you are going to be difficult I am going to have to get my superior over here." OK, so now a little wave of panic rushes over me. I would really like to enjoy the last 6 or so months of my trip out in the open air rather than locked away in Bondi Beach prison. He comes over and tells me "We both have agreed that the signature on your driver's liscense does not match the signature on your credit card receipt and the picture looks nothinglike you." OK, so you thought I was pissed before. "What am I going to have to do to prove to you that I AM ME????" I start screaming. "We're just doing our job miss," he snaps back. "There was a guy on tv last
nite who has been stealing people's credit cards and we can never be too safe especially with the terrorist attacks in your country." AHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Do I look like a credit card stealer? Or better yet, a terrorist? Finally, he gives up (possibly because I was making a nice little "scene") and throws my credit card and liscense back at me with a "Have a nice day miss!" And being the mature 24 year old that I am, I grabbed my bag and purposely slammed the door as loud as I could on my way out.

OK, sorry about that. I had to vent. Besides that, life is going well. Had a few days off of work this
weekend so I got to relax at the beach and hang out with a friend who came up from Melbourne to visit. We had a couple of British musician friends crashing on our floor last week who just left to try to get some gigs in Melbourne. Apparently the music scene is a lot better down there. Got to see them play Thursday nite at the Blue Chip bar across the street which was pretty cool. I was so bummed though because I ran home to change after they were done and missed this world famous digeridoo player. I tried to get him to play something for me when I got back but he was incoherently wasted so I gave up on that one. Went to a party in Manly, an American friend of a friend's back home, who has the most amazing place. It looks directly out onto the ocean from every room in the house. It was really trippy because half of the people there were Americans and the other half were Aussies, all working for Dell (computers). You can never leave home no matter how far you go.

Can I tell you how weird it feels for it to almost be Xmas and hot as f outside? It is so surreal. I really want to get away for the holidays but heard that I'll make double time if I work. Hmmmm...we'll see. Anyway, hope you all our well.

Talk soon and keep warm,

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